(Doctoral) students

Leg 1 - Your pleasure

On instruction of your supervisor you collected data that accumulate in front of you like an insurmountable mountain. Now comes the request to consult with a statistician. Perhaps, the need for methodological expertise comes up earlier, beacuse you superiors value a good planning or because yourself want a tutor for the statistical fields. If you fear insipid debates with a stiff numbers' nerd, I surprise you pleasantly. The first profit that I offer to you is a vivid and sympatric experience. With me as your guide, you master all your tasks ludically and you develop rapidly much pleasure and scientific interest in your labour.

Leg 2 - Your basics

Sometimes your superiors need complex analyses beyond your reach. In this case, I contact them with the greatest pleasure personally. The focus of the orders that I assume directly from you is normally on simple concepts that with me you appropriate yourself easily. For instance:

Shooter 1 hit in 80% of the cases. If this observation corresponds to his average precision, his risk to fail is 20%. His odds to succeed are 80:20 or 4:1. With 10 shots observed, his average precision is vaguely determinable: with 95% probability it is between 44% and 97%.

Shooter 2 has 80% successes, too. With 30 shots observed, this time you dispose about more information. Thus, his average precision is more exactly determinable. It is between 61% and 92% with a 95% probability.

Leg 3 - Your performance

Collaborations in which I help you to achieve an academic title up to the doctorate mainly set itself apart from other orders in that I am your coach. Your particular challenge is that you are the driving force that wants to demonstrate its own scientific performance. On the other hand, your summit might be easier to climb than in farther projects.

¡I make you fit to accomplish your tasks, I show you the way and I secure you!

We do this in videoconferences and work meetings. Normally, you simply need short feedbacks about your work from me that I insert directly in your documents. You collect your data, you calculate, and I show you what counts and control your work.

Leg 4 - Your grade

Principally, I show you a clear structure and the best presentation of your work. You write, and I correct. In this context, transparency and coherence are the name of the game. If the research objective has the potential to promote the human health, is especially important, such as the publication perspectives, for your superiors. What counts for yor grade is what lies within your responsabilities. I ensure that you are even prouder of yourself.